New Residential Member Form


GVEA is a member-owned electric cooperative. When you accept service from GVEA, you agree to comply with Golden Valley Electric Association Bylaws, Policies and Operating Tariff. Copies of these documents are available upon request.

Have you ever been a member of GVEA before?(Required)

Primary Member Information

Mailing Address(Required)
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)(Required)
Do you have a joint applicant?(Required)

Rental Property or Business?

Is this a rental property or Business?(Required)
Are you the:(Required)

Third Party Notification

You may designate a third party to receive a copy of any termination notice regarding disconnections initiated by GVEA. Some of the information this notice will contain includes the name and address of the member whose service is to be disconnected, the service address, the date of disconnection, and explanation of the reason for the proposed disconnections, and where appropriate, a statement of the amount of the delinquent bill. This designation does not entitle the party named to act on behalf of the member.

Agreement & Consent

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.